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how modify the color of each column?

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Hello everybody!


First, please excuse me for my english, I'm a french developer ! ^^




I have a question about fusionchart and I hope I'm at the right place to put my question:




How can I modify the colors in each columns of this graphic: column3D.swf?


What is the code in the xml file?




Indeed, when we generate a column3D graphic, the colors are :


- first blue,


- yellow,


- green,


- ...


for example, I want to modify blue to black and yellow to red




How can I do this please?




Thank you!





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Could you please use color attribute for that?

<Chart >

<set value="20" label="class 1" color='000000' />

<set value="40" label="class 2" color='FF0000' />

<set value="90" label="class 3" color='1af120' />


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