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Some issues with Gantt chart.

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Hi, I'm testing out your demo gantt chart, and I'm running into some issues with alignment of various elements. I'm using Firefox on Linux with Flash Player 9. I'm using the given xml file and getting the given screen shot.




The problems are:




* The top categories bar goes over the edge of the chart, even though there should be plenty of room.


* The tasks, however, appear to be auto-resizing themselves to fit the width of the screen; all 18 tasks appear to be there. However, this leads to the problem that they don't align with the top bar properly.


* Several of the tasks overlap, even though they should be adjacent but not overlap. Johnny C's two tasks, for example, should be next to each other but not overlap. In the xml, the first task ends at 1/11/2000 and the second starts at the same day, so I don't know what else to do.




Do you have any suggestions as to how to solve these problems? I suspect these problems can be fixed by playing with the xml.




Also, do you have any idea when Instrumentation v3 will be coming out? I noticed somewhere in the forum that your next version will have Gantt charts with times instead of dates, and also allow scrolling of charts. Both of those would be very helpful for me.



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Please upgrade to FusionWidgets v3.1.1 which supports a lot of advanced features for charts like Gantt chart.


It supports the date and time format on the task bars, the width of the process/task bar can be specified explicitly.


Hope this helps. :D

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