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Position Annotation directly after a color range

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I am using a linear guage from Fusion Widgets version 3, and would like to position an image at the end of a color range within a linear guage.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


The color range uses values to position it on the guage.

The annotation uses x,y coordinates to position it on the guage.


I was wondering if there is a way to calculate the x position from a minValue or a maxValue you enter into a color range?



I have a guage that goes from: -2,000 up to 2,000 ---- this range may vary, depending upon the value, but 0 is always in the middle of that range.

I am setting the guage color to be red from value 0 up to value 500

That value is also dynamic, and I would like to take that dynamic value --- 500  in this case --- and position an image right at the end of that location in the guage.

Well, 500 is a value rather than the numeric x value that an annotation uses.

Is there any simple formula to convert a point value or color range value to an actual x position on the guage?

Or, is there an easier way to position an image at the end of a color range?


Below is a sample guage where I am attempting this --- the php variable:  $position  is where I would store the result of the calculation of the x position:



<Chart editMode='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' bgAlpha='0' showBorder='0' lowerLimit='-2000' upperLimit='2000' numberPrefix='' gaugeRoundRadius='5' chartBottomMargin='30' ticksBelowGauge='1' placeTicksInside='0' showGaugeLabels='0' chartLeftMargin='15' chartRightMargin='15' majorTMColor='868F9B' majorTMHeight='10' majorTMThickness='2' pointerBgAlpha='0' pointerOnTop='0' pointerRadius='0' pointerBorderThickness='0' majorTMNumber='0' minorTMNumber='0' showToolTip='0' decimals='0' showTickMarks='1' showTickValues='1'>


<color minValue='-2000' maxValue='2000' code='FFFFFF' alpha='0'/>

<color minValue='0' maxValue='500' code='E00000' alpha='0' showBorder='0'/>

<color minValue='150' maxValue='2000' code='FFFFFF' alpha='0' showBorder='0'/>



<annotationGroup id='Grp4' showBelow='0' autoScale='0'>

<annotation type='image' x='$position' y='25' URL='rightarrow.gif

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Since the co-ordinates for color range are dynamically generated based on other elements to be rendered in the chart, there isn't a direct way to map that to annotation x/y. The only feasible way would be to modify the source code to embed the images at right location.

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