shockwave100 Report post Posted November 17, 2008 Hi all, I am a newbie when it comes to web development and have been sucessful in creating a page in asp however I am having difficulty tring to convert this in to Can anyone have a look at my code to see what parameter stuff I need to add in? Been pulling my hair out trying to trouble shoot and fill in the blanks with my limited knowledge. Hoping that a kind individual will be able help me with a quick fix. I have attempted to try and change it to make it compliant, but it was a little dodgy so I have just supplied the raw code below that works in an asp page. Here is the code: <%@ Language=VBScript %> <HTML> <HEAD> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="Charts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } --> </style> </HEAD> <% %> <!-- #INCLUDE FILE="Charts/FusionCharts.asp" --> <BODY> <CENTER> <h2>AAPT Australian Operations</h2> <p>This chart can be relicated to suit view based on mdx query.</p> <% Dim cn Dim cat Dim cel Dim strMDX Dim sConnect Dim sXML '------------- Open up connection to OLAP database ---------------------- Set cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") cn.Mode = 3 cn.CursorLocation = 2 cn.IsolationLevel = 4096 'Error when tyring to reference tm1 macro for parameter Location=" & Run("OPTGET", "AdminHost ") 'hardcoded instead sConnect = "DATA SOURCE=mydatasource;PROVIDER=MYOLAP;Location=Aunswa155" cn.Open sConnect, "username", "password" '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' INSERT MDX STRING HERE strMDX = "SELECT {[accounts].[AAPT_REV],[accounts].[COS],[accounts].[OP_COSTS],[accounts].[AAPTEBITDA]} ON COLUMNS," strMDX = strMDX & "{[Month].[Jul],[Month].[Aug],[Month].[sep],[Month].[Oct],[Month].[Nov],[Month].[Dec],[Month].[Jan],[Month].[Feb],[Month].[Mar],[Month].[Apr],[Month].[May],[Month].[Jun]} ON ROWS" strMDX = strMDX & " FROM [Reportingaapt]" strMDX = strMDX & " WHERE ([Company].[TPWT],[transindicator].[All Indicators],[tradingindicator].[All tradingpartners]," strMDX = strMDX & "[accessmethod].[ALLAccessMethods],[coo_ausext].[Au_ext],[measures].[Financial],[Year].[2008],[Version].[Reported],[product].[TOT_PRODUCT])" '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' OPEN Cellset Object Set cel = Server.CreateObject("ADOMD.Cellset") cel.Open strMDX,cn '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Get Dimension and position index to return data from cube intDCO = cel.Axes(0).DimensionCount - 1 intDC1 = cel.Axes(1).DimensionCount - 1 intPCO = cel.Axes(0).Positions.Count - 1 intPC1 = cel.Axes(1).Positions.Count - 1 Response.Write "<BR><H4>Results:</H4>" '------ Define headings and labels ------- sXML = sXML & "<chart caption='REVENUE v COS V OPEX V EBITDA (FY08)' numberPrefix='$' formatNumberScale='1' rotateValues='0' placeValuesInside='1' decimals='0'" & ">" 'sXML = sXML & "<chart caption='AAPT Australian Operations EBITDA V REVENUE' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Dollars' showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' showBorder='1'" & ">" sXML = sXML & "<categories" & ">" '------ Define categories --------------- For yy = 0 to IntPC1 For r = 0 to intDC1 sXML = sXML & "<category label=" & "'" & cel.Axes(1).positions(yy).Members®.Caption & "'" & " />" Next Next sXML = sXML & "</categories" & ">" '------- define first dataset ------- sXML = sXML & "<dataset seriesName='Revenue'" & ">" For yy = 0 to IntPC1 For z = 0 to intPC0 sXML = sXML & "<set value=" & "'" & FormatNumber(cel(z,yy).Value,0,,,0) & "'" & " />" Next Next sXML = sXML & "</dataset" & ">" '------- define second dataset ------- sXML = sXML & "<dataset seriesName='COS'" & ">" For yy = 0 to IntPC1 For z = 0 to intPC0 sXML = sXML & "<set value=" & "'" & FormatNumber(cel(z + 1,yy).Value,0,,,0) & "'" & " />" Next Next sXML = sXML & "</dataset" & ">" '------- define third dataset ------- sXML = sXML & "<dataset seriesName='OPEX'" & ">" For yy = 0 to IntPC1 For z = 0 to intPC0 sXML = sXML & "<set value=" & "'" & FormatNumber(cel(z + 2,yy).Value,0,,,0) & "'" & " />" Next Next sXML = sXML & "</dataset" & ">" '------- define forth dataset ------- 'sXML = sXML & "<dataset seriesName='EBITDA'" & ">" 'For yy = 0 to IntPC1 'For z = 0 to intPC0 'sXML = sXML & "<set value=" & "'" & FormatNumber(cel(z + 3,yy).Value,0,,,0) & "'" & " />" 'Next 'Next 'sXML = sXML & "</dataset" & ">" '--- close graph ---------- sXML = sXML & "<" & "/chart" & ">" Call renderChart("Charts/MSLine.swf", "", sXML, "", 600, 300, false, false) cn.close Set cel = nothing Set cat = nothing Set cn = nothing %> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shockwave100 Report post Posted November 17, 2008 Just found something in the doco that might help. When I get it work I will post it in the forum unless someone beats me to it. Cheers Shock Share this post Link to post Share on other sites