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embed multiple charts in single page

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Hi All,

I am wondering if its possible to embed multiple charts in the same page? New to the world of I can manage to create a multigraph pulling info from our db, but would like to create other graphs on the same page that do this as well.

Has anyone been sucessful with this? and if so how the on earth did you do it?



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Hi there,

I cant seem to find any documentation that lends itself to embeding multiple charts in a single page (probably obvious to most but not to poor old me). Do you have some sample code based one one of your basic examples that I can follow?

One more question. Will I need to create another adodb connection again on the same page? What the best way around this?

Thanks again


this is what I have in my code behind page:






Class MultMultChartMDXTestBasicDataXML

Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

Literal1.Text = GetMonthlySalesChartHtml()

End Sub

Public Function GetMonthlySalesChartHtml() As String

Dim cn

Dim cel 'Declare cellset variable

Dim strMDX 'A string that holds the MDX query

Dim sConnect

Dim sXML As String

Dim intDCO

Dim intDC1

Dim intPCO

Dim intPC1

Dim yy

Dim r

cn = Server.CreateObject(


cn.Mode = 3

cn.CursorLocation = 2

cn.IsolationLevel = 4096

sConnect =

"DATA SOURCE=myservername;PROVIDER=MYOLAP;Location=myipaddress"


"username", "password")



strMDX = "SELECT {[accounts].[AAPT_REV],[accounts].[COS_AAPT]} ON COLUMNS,"

strMDX = strMDX &

"{[Month].[Jul],[Month].[Aug],[Month].[sep],[Month].[Oct],[Month].[Nov],[Month].[Dec],[Month].[Jan],[Month].[Feb],[Month].[Mar],[Month].[Apr],[Month].[May],[Month].[Jun]} ON ROWS"

strMDX = strMDX &

" FROM [Reportingaapt]"

strMDX = strMDX &

" WHERE ([Company].[TPWT],[transindicator].[All Indicators],[tradingindicator].[All tradingpartners],"

strMDX = strMDX &



' OPEN Cellset Object

cel = Server.CreateObject(


cel.Open(strMDX, cn)


intDCO = cel.Axes(0).DimensionCount - 1

intDC1 = cel.Axes(1).DimensionCount - 1

intPCO = cel.Axes(0).Positions.Count - 1

intPC1 = cel.Axes(1).Positions.Count - 1

sXML =


'------ Define headings and labels -------

sXML = sXML &

"<chart caption='REVENUE v COS V OPEX V EBITDA (FY08)' numberPrefix='$' formatNumberScale='1' rotateValues='0' placeValuesInside='1' decimals='0' imageSave='1' imageSaveURL='FusionChartsSave.aspx' " & ">"

sXML = sXML &

"<categories" & ">"

'------ Define categories ---------------

For yy = 0 To intPC1

For r = 0 To intDC1

sXML = sXML &

"<category label=" & "'" & cel.Axes(1).positions(yy).Members®.Caption & "'" & " />"



sXML = sXML &

"</categories" & ">"

'------- define first dataset -------

sXML = sXML &

"<dataset seriesName='Revenue'" & ">"

For yy = 0 To intPC1

sXML = sXML &

"<set value=" & "'" & FormatNumber(cel(0, yy).Value, 0, , , 0) & "'" & " />"


sXML = sXML &

"</dataset" & ">"

'------- define second dataset -------

sXML = sXML &

"<dataset seriesName='COS'" & ">"

For yy = 0 To intPC1

sXML = sXML &

"<set value=" & "'" & FormatNumber(cel(1, yy).Value, 0, , , 0) & "'" & " />"


sXML = sXML &

"</dataset" & ">"

sXML = sXML &

"<" & "/chart" & ">"

Return InfoSoftGlobal.FusionCharts.RenderChart("charts/MSline.swf", "", sXML.ToString, "productSales", "600", "300", False, False)

'crucial to use "sXML.ToString". You need to change it back to html so you read it in webbrowser.

'remember that xml acts as a way to pass information from one place to anohther. once its at it destination

'you need to change it back to html.

'Use below code for single chart only

'Return FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("charts/Column3D.swf", "", sXML.ToString, "myNext", "600", "300", False)



cel =


cn =



End Function



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 For multiple charts you have to take different Literal control with in design page say literal1, literal2, literal3

After that call different fusionchart render function with in Page_load event

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

 Literal1.Text = GetMonthlySalesChartHtml()

 Literal2.Text = Chart1Html()

 Literal3.Text = Chart2Html()

End Sub

Now create 2 other function Chart1Html() and Chart2Html()

Public Function Chart1Html () As String


 'Your code here goes here


 Return FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("charts/Column3D.swf", "", sXML.ToString, "myNext", "600", "300", False)

End Function

Public Function Chart2Html () As String


 'Your code here goes here


 Return FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("charts/Column3D.swf", "", sXML.ToString, "myNext1", "600", "300", False)

End Function


Note when you are rendering fusioncharts that time chartID must be deferent.

Edited by Guest

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