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Pyramid animation .. not working

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Hi all,


I was just trying to animate pyramid using following code .. but it didnt animate ..




< chart animation='1' defaultAnimation='0' caption='my caption' subCaption='activity' numberPrefix='aaa ' >    

  < set label='Callahan' value='49000' />

  < set label='Davolio' value='63000' />

  < set label='Dodsworth' value='41000' />

  < set label='Fuller' value='74000' />

  < set label='King' value='49000' />

  < set label='Leverling' value='77000' />

  < set label='Peacock' value='54000' />

  < set label='Suyama' value='14000' />

< styles >

< definition>

< style type='font' name='captionFont' size='18' />

< style name='MyXScaleAnim' type='animation' duration='1' start='0' param='_xscale' />

< style name='MyYScaleAnim' type='animation' duration='1' start='0' param='_yscale' /> 


< application>

< apply toObject='caption' styles='captionFont' />

< apply toObject='Canvas' styles='MyXScaleAnim,MyYScaleAnim' />






How do I debug this?


thanks for your help.

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- Pyramid Chart > XML Sheet




CANVAS The entire area inside which the chart is plotted.




* Animation


* Shadow


* Glow


* Bevel


* Blur








* _alpha


* _x


* _y


* _xScale


* _yScale




But the documentation does mention about animation.. doesnt it?




Thanks for your reply.

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