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P&S Axisnames

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I'm trying to generate a chart with MSColumn3DLineDY




I've two dataseries, and i'd like to have an axis label on either side and format the axis appropriately.




i'm using two dataseries with an parentYAxis="S" and parentYAxis="P"




I'm also using pAxisName="value" and sAxisName="Number of Txns"




but the axisnames do not appear - any help welcome

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pAxisName, sAxisName are invalid attribute.  Could you please use <chart> attributes -  PYAxisName, SYAXisName?


<chart ...  PYAxisName="value"  SYAXisName="Number of Txns" .. >

Chart Titles and Axis Names
Using these attributes, you can set the various headings and titles of chart like caption, sub-caption, x-axis and y-axis names etc.

Attribute Name Type Description
caption String Caption of the chart.
subCaption String Sub-caption of the chart.
xAxisName String X-Axis Title of the Chart.
PYAxisName String Primary Y-Axis title.
SYAXisName String Secondary y-axis title

Please visit this link

Edited by Guest

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