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How to show trendline in 2d Bar chart?

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Using the <trendLines> element (and children <line> elements), you can define trend lines on the chart.


Trend lines are horizontal/vertical lines spanning the chart canvas which aid in interpretation of data with respect to some pre-determined value. For example, if you are plotting sales data of current year, you might want to add previous year's average monthly sales as trend indicator for ease of comparison.


For each trend line on the chart, you need to define a <line> element under <trendLines> element as under:



<line startValue='895' color='FF0000' displayvalue='Average' />


You can control the cosmetic and functional properties of trend-lines using the following attributes:

Attribute Name Type Range Description
startValue Number Numeric Value The starting value for the trendline. Say, if you want to plot a slanted trendline from value 102 to 109, the startValue would be 102.
endValue Number Numeric Value The ending y-axis value for the trendline. Say, if you want to plot a slanted trendline from value 102 to 109, the endValue would be 109. If you do not specify a value for endValue, it would automatically assume the same value as startValue.
displayValue String If you want to display a string caption for the trend line by its side, you can use this attribute. Example: displayValue='Last Month High'. When you don't supply this attribute, it automatically takes the value of startValue.
color String Hex Code Color of the trend line and its associated text.
isTrendZone Boolean 0/1 Whether the trend would display a line, or a zone (filled colored rectangle).
showOnTop Boolean 0/1 Whether the trend line/zone would be displayed over data plots or under them?
thickness Number In Pixels If you've opted to show the trend as a line, this attribute lets you define the thickness of trend line.
alpha Number 0-100 Alpha of the trend line.
dashed Boolean 0/1 If you've opted to show the trend as a line, this attribute lets you define whether the trend line would appear as dashed?
dashLen Number In Pixels If you've opted to show trend line as dash, this attribute lets you control the length of each dash.
dashGap Number In Pixels If you've opted to show trend line as dash, this attribute lets you control the length of each dash gap.

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I'd like to expound upon the trend lines in the Bar2D chart. Is there any way to create a horizontal trend line in this type of chart? I've only been able to come up with vertical trend lines. I have ratings on the vertical axis, and would like to pull in an average rating line between the bars (running parallel to the bars).An example would help greatly. Thanks!

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Welcome to FusionCharts forum. :)

I am afraid, the Bar2D charts of FusionCharts pack does not support the same.

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