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MultiLine graph

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I want to draw multiple Lines.


Is it necessary the X-Axis points should be same for both the lines.


If Yes why so ?




I have a situation like this






I have data For


Line1 { (X1, Val), (X3, Val), (X7, Val) }


Line2 { {X1, Val, (X2, Val), (X4, Val) , (X8, Val)




I would like to draw the above graph with X1--X8 on Y axis.




Please note the fact that I don't have data point for X2 in Line1


doesn't mean data is not there or it is an error, Its just I don't have it.




Any Recommendations/help/suggestions are greatly appreciated.




I can provide more information regarding why I need to do some thing like this...







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After looking out for a while I figured out how to do this
























Line2 { {(X1, Val) , (X2, Val), (X4, Val) , (X8, Val)

















More Information of this is present in the chapter 'Plotting Discontinuous Data' under Advanced Charting Topic.





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XML wasn't posted properly








<category label='x1' />






<category label='x8' />






<dataset seriesName='Line1' color='1D8BD1' >


<set value=Val />


<set label='x2' value=''> or <set label='x2' />


<set value=Val />


<set label='x4' />


<set label='x5' />


<set label='x6' />


<set value=Val />








<dataset seriesName='Line1' color='1D8BD1' >


<set value=Val />


<set value=Val />


<set label='x3' value='' dashsed='1' color='FF0000' />


<!-- The line will be dashed with Red Color -->


<set value=Val />


<set label='x5' />


<set label='x6' />


<set label='x7' />


<set value=Val />



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