
Background Image Not Showing

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I have this code for my chart:





I know that the URL is valid, because when I copy and paste it into my browser it shows the image I want for the background, but it doesn't show up in the chart. I've compared my code to other people's in the forums, and I think I'm doing everything right. Any ideas?

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Here's what I have for the parameters to the chart tag. I can't get all the code to show up.




bgSWF='http://localhost/salus/life/images/main-text-pop.jpg' showBorder='0' bgColor='ffffff' canvasBgAlpha='0' outCnvBaseFont='Arial' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='12' lineThickness='4' anchorRadius='4' showValues='0' caption='Weight History' rotateNames='1' xAxisName='Campaign' yAxisName='Pounds' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='1' lineColor='555555' yAxisMaxValue='210.396' yAxisMinValue='169.984' adjustDiv='0'

Edited by Guest

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