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Cross domain limitations?

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I'm trying to embed a chart in html on a page on




In this page, I've got




<embed src="http://myotherdomain/xyz/MSLine.swf" flashVars="&dataURL=/xyz/myData.xml ...




both MSLine.swf and myData.xml are on myotherdomain




If I move mypage.html to http://myotherdomain/mypage.html it seems to work.




Is this limitation documented anywhere? Is there any way to work around it?





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There also seems to be limitations when trying to use background images across different domains,




Why can't I set an absolute url for the bgSWF background image? I don't believe there are any xss attack vectors with images :ermm:

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To clarify,




For the background problem, the HTML is on:




The chart is loaded in javascript by:


new FusionCharts("", ...




and in the chart XML, the background is given by:


<chart bgSWF='/images/background.png' ...




Which exists at:




To Quote:


"Make sure that the image and the chart SWF file are in the same sub-domain."




Why doesn't this work?

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