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SSGrid.swf and showPercentValues/showShadow parameters

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I'm developping a web application using and c#.




I'm trying to build a SSGrid chart using setDataXML methode, I'm conctructing xml from code behind after retrieving data from sql server dababase.




I have a problem with showPercentValues and showShadow parameters. I found this code on the documentation:




< div id="chart1div">


This text is replaced by the chart.


< /div>




< script type="text/javascript">


var chart1 = new FusionCharts("../FusionCharts/SSGrid.swf", "ChId1", "600", "400", "0", "0");


chart1.setDataXML("< chart>< set name='Data1' value='1' />< /chart>");


chart1.addVariable('showPercentValues', '1');


chart1.addVariable('showShadow', '1');




< /script>




In my application, I need the showPercentValues and showShadow parameters so I add then on code behind this way:




StringBuilder xmlData = new StringBuilder();


xmlData.Append("< chart showPercentValues='1' showShadow='1' >");




//dt : DataTable where I put the retrieved data


if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)




foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)




xmlData.Append("< set name='" + dr["product"].ToString() + "' value='" + dr["price"].ToString() + "'/>");






xmlData.Append("< /chart>");




chart1div.InnerHtml = InfoSoftGlobal.FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/SSGrid.swf", "",


xmlData.ToString(), "ChartId", "500", "300", false, false);






The SSGrid does not show the percent values, it always show the values, but when I use another animation such as pie2D.swf instead of SSGrid.swf, it shows the percent values as it should ! but I need the job done using SSGrid.




Can anyone please help me with this ? I'm banging my head against the wall :)










Software Engineer

Edited by Guest

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here's a workaround :




aspx page:




< head runat="server">


< title>< /title>




< script src="FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js" type="text/javascript">


< /head>


< body>


< form id="form1" runat="server">


< div id="div1" align="center">


< /div>


<% test();%>


< /form>


< /body>












   public void test()


       StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();









still I don't understand why pie2d pie3d and other animations show the percent values and ssgrid.swf doesn't !






Software Engineer

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