David Gucwa

UTF8 characters not working?

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I am getting some strange behavior working with UTF8 characters.




This is my XML:




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



decimalPrecision="1" formatNumberScale="0" showValues="0">




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While using FusionCharts (version 3.0) with UTF-8 characters, please remember the following:

  1. BOM has to present in the xml given as input to the chart using dataURL method
  2. dataXML method can also be used 

The XML document should begin with an XML declaration which specifies the version of XML being used and the encoding:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

The XML file should be saved with UTF-8 encoding (UTF-8 BOM). I have attached a sample xml. Please try with this xml.

BTW, looks like, in the version 3.1 of FusionCharts, displaying UTF-8 characters has been further simplified.



Edited by Guest

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