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3D lighting / shading causing color legend to be off?

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I am using the 3D pie chart along with a grid. Because of the 3D lighting/shading, the color of the pie slices look different as you rotate the slices.




For instance a small slice in the bottom left of the pie looks light peach, but if you rotate it to the top right (180 degrees) it looks more like dark orange.




I do not mind this change in colors and like the 3D lighting/shading as it gives a nice professional look.




HOWEVER, the challenge is that the colors used in the Grid do not match up with the pie chart! For instance when the chart renders the orange slice is in the bottom left corner and looks like light peach. But in the grid the corresponding color for this slice is shown like dark orange - which is the color it looks more like when the chart is rotated 180 degrees.




Is there a way to prevent this? If not, how do I turn off the 3D shading/lighting? I tried with dynamicShading set to 0 and set to 1 but neither setting made a difference. Thanks!

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Rahul Kumar (3/4/2009)
Could you please try using use3DLighting='0' attribute in <chart> element?




Yes, thank you! That did the trick.




Is it possible to have it still use the 3D lighting but just less of it? I am thinking that would still provide the polished look of the 3D lighting but if it was a smaller amount of light that may not skew the color as much. I tried using the "intensity" option with 3D lighting enabled but it had no affect.

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