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Y-Axis Line not reaching 100% in MSColumn3DLineDY.swf chart

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I am working on FusionCharts and using the chart 'MSColumn3DLineDY.swf' to display data. The XML which I am using for this chart is as follows:

<chart palette='1' caption='' shownames='1' showvalues='0' numberPrefix='' connectNullData='0' PYAxisName='Image Volume' SYAxisName='Total Percent Printed'  showYAxisValues='1' numDivLines='1' formatNumberScale='0' SYAxisMaxValue='100' SYAxisMinValue='0'>


<category label='Wed 12/16' />

<category label='Tue 12/19' />

<category label='Mon 12/22' />


<dataset seriesName='Total Images' color='FF6600' showValues='0'>

<set value='2876' />

<set value='4899' />

<set value='5390' />


<dataset seriesName='Total Documents' color='6699CC' showValues='0'>

<set value='11540' />

<set value='19872' />

<set value='23415' />


<dataset seriesName='Percent Printed' color='000000' showValues='0' parentYAxis='S' >

<set value='52' />

<set value='86' />

<set value='100' />




The code I am using to display the chart is as follows:

    <div id="chartPrint" align="center"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">

var chart = new FusionCharts ("Data/Charts/MSColumn3DLineDY.swf", "ChartId1", "370", "300", "0", "1");




The problem I am having is, when the line 'S' is rendered, even though the data shows 100%, the line actually doesn't touch the 100 mark in the Y-axis. It stays well below 100 though actual value for the point is 100. See the snapshot below.


Can anyone guide me to figure out how to solve this issue and have the line reach 100% mark?


Edited by Guest

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Could you please try using use3DLineShift='0'?
"By default, when a line dataset is rendered over a column 3D dataset, the line dataset shifts in the z-dimension to give a 3D perspective. But, if you do not wish to add the perspective to the line dataset, you may set this attribute as 0."

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Thanks for your reply.

I tried putting use3DLineShift='0' on the 1st line of XML (as chart attribute) and also on "<dataset seriesName='Percent Printed' " entry in XML. But it didn't fix my problem. As you mentioned this is a problem for 3D rendering,do you think this will be solved if I use the 2D version of MSColumn and Line combination?


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This is a new feature in FusionCharts V3.1, so if it is not working then please update your chart to version 3.1 and try again.
Also this will not be an issue, if you use MSColumn2D chart.

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