Rahul Kumar

Label multiline right aligned

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I am using the Bar2D graph and can easily make a label multiline by either outputting new line characters in the label value or by using isHTML and adding a BR in the label. What I really want though is the label to be right aligned. At the moment the labels are coming out like this




This is the first line


second line




What I want is it to look something like this




This is the first line


second line




Any ideas on how to do this?

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I am afraid, this is not supported as of now, but you could use the following method to doing the same in a different way:
To aligning the text you would need to use <p align="right"> tag in label attribute of <set> element and also need to set font style of DATALABELS object to isHTML='1'
Please see the sample XML:
<chart >

<set label='This is the first line<BR><P align="Right" >second line</P>' value='500' />

<set label='Feb' value='857' />

<set label='Mar' value='671' />

<set label='Apr' value='494' />



<style name='myHTMLFont' type='font' isHTML='1' />



<apply toObject='DATALABELS' styles='myHTMLFont' />

<apply toObject='TOOLTIP' styles='myHTMLFont' />




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