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2 graphs in one power point

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As of my current understanding, the method to insert a graph into a powerpoint slide deck is to create a data.xml that has the xml graph generation code and then create a flash object in the power point by choosing the appropriate ".swf" file (name and location) in the properties of the flash object.

I believe that the name "data.xml" needs to remain constant, we cannot give any other name except data.xml.

Then if I have 2 graphs (xml) to be inserted in the same ppt, how can I do it, there will be 2 data.xml and I cant keep them in the same folder where the ppt is.

Can someone tell me what am I missing.


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Guest Rajroop

Hey there,




We've just released a new and free add-in for PowerPoint that lets you add FusionCharts very easily to your slides. Check out oomfo @




Would love to have your feedback/suggestions. :)

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