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separation of glass effect and round edges for column bars

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Hello, I could really need the round edges for column graphs, but currently it only is available in conjunction with the glass effect which is visual overkill. It would be nice to simply separate the two effects so one has an either/or choice.




E.g. in the current design I have tons of round edges so a column chart with rounded edges would be preferable, but all the graphics are flat surfaces making the glass effect fall out of the design scheme completely.




I know it's neither something big or important, but given these two effects have a great visual impact on a web page with Fusioncharts, it would be nice to control them better.

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which is why I posted in the suggestion thread. :) The thing is that those are neat visual effects, but given one often works with a predetermined CI a greater control over such effects would be nice to work them better into the rest of the site. Somewhat more than an on/off switch. As I regard rounded columns and the glass effect two distinct effects it would be nice to have some control over them in the future. As an addendum controlling the sheen and opacity of the glass effect would be nice, too.




In my current project the CI would actual demand for rounded edges in column charts if possible, but it absolutely doesn't work with the glass effect because it doesn't use any 3D effects. Given only an option of "on" or "off" I'm then forced to not use it at all which is kind of a shame.









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