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How can i show the hidden X-Axis category

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  the X-Axis will auto adjust and hidden the category , e.g  X-Axis in the chart is "10,20,30,40..." ,  how can i show "10" in the chart? I found "adjustDiv" , but it olny worked for Y-Axis.


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I am pasting the modified sample XML. I am bolding the modified areas. :)

<chart palette='2' caption='Server Performance' numDivLines='13' yAxisName='Response Time (sec)' xAxisName='Server Load (TPS)' rotateNames='0' showLegend='1' showNames='1' xAxisMaxValue='100' xAxisMinValue='10' yAxisMaxValue='7' decimals='1'>

<categories verticalLineColor='666666' verticalLineThickness='1'>

<category label='10' x='10' showVerticalLine='1'/>

<category label='20' x='20' showVerticalLine='1'/>

<category label='30' x='30' showVerticalLine='1'/>

<category label='40' x='40' showVerticalLine='1'/>

<category label='50' x='50' showVerticalLine='1'/>

<category label='60' x='60' showVerticalLine='1'/>

<category label='70' x='70' showVerticalLine='1'/>

<category label='80' x='80' showVerticalLine='1'/>

<category label='90' x='90' showVerticalLine='1'/>

<category label='100' x='100' showVerticalLine='0'/>


<dataSet seriesName='Server 1' color='009900'

anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='4' anchorBgColor='D5FFD5' anchorBorderColor='009900' >

<set y='2.4' x='21' />

<set y='3.5' x='32' />

<set y='2.5' x='43' />

<set y='4.1' x='48' />

<set y='3.5' x='50' />

<set y='4.6' x='56' />

<set y='4.8' x='59' />

<set y='4.9' x='73' />

<set y='4.6' x='89' />

<set y='4.2' x='93' />


<dataSet seriesName='Server 2' color='0000FF'

anchorSides='4' anchorRadius='4' anchorBgColor='C6C6FF' anchorBorderColor='0000FF'>

<set y='1.4' x='23'/>

<set y='1.5' x='29'/>

<set y='1.5' x='33'/>

<set y='1.1' x='41'/>

<set y='1.5' x='47'/>

<set y='1.6' x='49'/>

<set y='1.8' x='51'/>

<set y='1.9' x='53'/>

<set y='1.6' x='57'/>

<set y='1.2' x='58'/>

<set y='1.9' x='61'/>

<set y='1.1' x='63'/>

<set y='1.9' x='64'/>

<set y='1.7' x='71'/>

<set y='1.1' x='77'/>

<set y='1.3' x='79'/>

<set y='1.7' x='83'/>

<set y='1.8' x='89'/>

<set y='1.9' x='91'/>

<set y='1.0' x='93'/>



<line startValue='20' endValue='65' alpha='5' color='00FF00' />

<line startValue='65' endValue='75' alpha='15' color='FFFF00' />

<line startValue='75' endValue='100' alpha='15' color='FF0000' />



<line startValue='5.2' displayValue='Check' lineThickness='2' color='FF0000' valueOnRight='1' dashed='1' dashGap='5'/>




I hope this helps! :)

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