
floating values?

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I need a special feature for my multiseries line chart.




I have a chart with three datasets.




Now i want to show some averages, but this averages should not be connected to the values of the dataset lines.




They need to "float" as labels/values "somewhere" in the chart,


the best position would be a space between the two anchors the calculation was based on.


The average values are calculated by PHP.




I haven't found something like that in he documentation.




Is it possible to do something like this?






Thanks and greetings

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Thanks for the quick answer :)




At the moment my generated xml looks like this.




But the averages are part of the datasets.


But because the averages are only between every two calender week sets


the distance is not the same between every calender week and so the chart is distorted.


So i need to get the averages out of the datasets.




edit: ok, code tag doesn't work for xml, i uploaded the file as attachment :)


Edited by Guest

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I'm afraid, floating data values are not supported as of now.

However, this can be circumvented by using a hidden line (alpha='0') and then making some nodes visible.

I have quickly edited a part of your XML to show how this can be done. I'm pasting the same here:

<chart xAxisName='calendar week' yAxisName='My values' numberPrefix='' decimals='2' forceDecimals='1' labelDisplay='1' slantLabels='0' bgColor='ffffff' chartLeftMargin='10' chartRightMargin='20' labelStep='1'>
    <category label='CW 09'/>
 <category />
 <category label='CW 10'/>
 <category label='CW 11'/>
 <category />
 <category label='CW 12'/>
 <category label='CW 13'/>
 <category />
 <category label='CW 14'/>
 <category label='CW 15'/>
 <category />
 <category label='CW 16'/>
  <dataset seriesName='Set 1' color='cc3333'>
    <set value='4.9353' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW09_2009'/>
 <set value='4.2567' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='5' anchorAlpha='0' displayValue=' '/>
 <set value='3.5781' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW10_2009'/>
 <set value='4.7639' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW11_2009'/>
 <set value='4.40655' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='5'anchorAlpha='0' displayValue=' '/>
 <set value='4.0492' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW12_2009'/>
 <set value='4.7500' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW13_2009'/>
 <set value='4.75' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='5'anchorAlpha='0' displayValue=' '/>
 <set value='4.7500' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW14_2009'/>
 <set value='4.5285' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW15_2009'/>
 <set value='4.8994' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='5' anchorAlpha='0' displayValue=' '/>
 <set value='5.2703' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW16_2009'/>
 <dataset seriesName='Avg 1' color='cc3333' alpha='0'>
    <set value='5.9353' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW09_2009'/>
 <set value='5.2567' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='5' alpha='100'displayValue='4.2567'/>
 <set value='4.5781' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW10_2009'/>
 <set value='5.7639' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW11_2009'/>
 <set value='5.40655' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='5' alpha='100'displayValue='4.40655'/>
 <set value='5.0492' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW12_2009'/>
 <set value='5.7500' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW13_2009'/>
 <set value='5.75' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='5' alpha='100'displayValue='4.75'/>
 <set value='5.7500' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW14_2009'/>
 <set value='5.5285' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW15_2009'/>
 <set value='5.8994' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='5' alpha='100'displayValue='4.8994'/>
 <set value='6.2703' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW16_2009'/>

I hope this helps! :)

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