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vLine Not Working

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I am using version 3.1.1, I cannot get a vLine to show up. The vLine should be showing up at the very right of the chart.




I have attached the HTML source including XML.




Please let me know what I am doing wrong.








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I thought I found my error, I was using labelPosition instead of linePosition. I changed this and it still does not work correctly.




Even after I fixed this the debug keeps spitting out this error:




ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.


ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.






Not sure what is going on. I have attached a new chart html source file to reflect the changes I made.






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In multi-series charts, vLine should be used between <category> elements. Your vLine should be placed like this:

<script language="JavaScript" src="../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></script>
<!-- START Script Block for Chart MSLine1 --> 
<div id="MSLine1Div"> 
<script type="text/javascript" > 
var chart_MSLine1 = new FusionCharts("../FusionCharts/MSLine.swf", "MSLine1", "650", "450", "1", "0", "","noScale","EN"); 
//Provide entire XML data using dataXML method
chart_MSLine1.setDataXML("<chart caption='Schedule Performace Chart' subCaption='Status Date: 10/26/2006' labelDisplay='Rotate' slantLabels='1' lineThickness='1' showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' anchorRadius='2' divLineAlpha='20' divLineColor='CC3300' divLineIsDashed='1' showAlternateHGridColor='1' alternateHGridColor='CC3300' shadowAlpha='40' labelStep='1' numvdivlines='5' chartRightMargin='15' bgColor='FFFFFF,CC3300' bgAngle='270' bgAlpha='10,10' alternateHGridAlpha='5' showExportDataMenuItem='1' ><categories ><category label='Jul-2004' /><category label='Aug-2004' /><category label='Sep-2004' /><category label='Oct-2004' /><category label='Nov-2004' /><category label='Dec-2004' /><vLine label='10/26/2006' color='FF0000' linePosition='0.86' /><category label='Jan-2005' /><category label='Feb-2005' /><category label='Mar-2005' /><category label='Apr-2005' /><category label='May-2005' /><category label='Jun-2005' /><category label='Jul-2005' /><category label='Aug-2005' /><category label='Sep-2005' /><category label='Oct-2005' /><category label='Nov-2005' /><category label='Dec-2005' /><category label='Jan-2006' /><category label='Feb-2006' /><category label='Mar-2006' /><category label='Apr-2006' /><category label='May-2006' /><category label='Jun-2006' /><category label='Jul-2006' /><category label='Aug-2006' /><category label='Sep-2006' /><category label='Oct-2006' /><category label='Nov-2006' /><category label='Dec-2006' /><category label='Jan-2007' /></categories><dataset seriesName='Baseline' color='1D8BD1' anchorBorderColor='1D8BD1' anchorBgColor='1D8BD1' ><set value='3' /><set value='3' /><set value='3' /><set value='9' /><set value='9' /><set value='12' /><set value='12' /><set value='20' /><set value='49' /><set value='49' /><set value='56' /><set value='63' /><set value='64' /><set value='66' /><set value='86' /><set value='169' /><set value='226' /><set value='351' /><set value='501' /><set value='674' /><set value='900' /><set value='1058' /><set value='1190' /><set value='1311' /><set value='1395' /><set value='1471' /><set value='1532' /><set value='1609' /> <set value='1649' /><set value='1724' /><set value='1724' /></dataset><dataset seriesName='Forecast' color='2AD62A' anchorBorderColor='2AD62A' anchorBgColor='2AD62A' ><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='1025' dashed='1' /><set value='1095' dashed='1' /><set value='1210' dashed='1' /><set value='1376' dashed='1' /><set value='1497' dashed='1' /><set value='1609' dashed='1' /><set value='1738' dashed='1' /><set value='1749' dashed='1' /></dataset><dataset seriesName='Actual' color='F1683C' anchorBorderColor='F1683C' anchorBgColor='F1683C' ><set value='4' /><set value='4' /><set value='4' /><set value='10' /><set value='10' /><set value='13' /><set value='13' /><set value='21' /><set value='50' /><set value='50' /><set value='57' /><set value='62' /><set value='62' /><set value='64' /><set value='80' /><set value='165' /><set value='196' /><set value='251' /><set value='284' /><set value='395' /><set value='580' /><set value='774' /><set value='873' /><set value='1021' /><set value='1089' /><set value='1201' /><set value='1349' /><set value='1439' /><set value='1441' /></dataset></chart>");

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