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Bulb widget showing only upper limit color

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I am trying to use a bulb widget. This is the XML that I am using:















The color that shows up when I use this XML is B41527 - a shade of red when actually the color should be 399E38 which is a shade of green.




Is there something I'm missing?







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Hello Kamal,

You are inputting the value inside quotes, which is not valid. Also, the color range must be specified in ascending order, which was not the case in the XML you attached. I am pasting the modified XML here, please check:

<chart bgColor='000000,000000' bgAlpha='100' canvasBgColor='000000' showValue = '' lowerLimit = '0.0' upperLimit = '1.0'>


<color minValue='0.0' maxValue='0.0' code='399E38' />

<color minValue='0.5' maxValue='0.5' code='F87217' />

<color minValue='1.0' maxValue='1.0' code='B41527' />




I hope this helps!

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