
setDataXML working improperly / not working in IE 7&8

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I realize that what I'm trying to do is somewhat contrived, still I hope that the error is due to a miscoding on my part.




So, a snippet first:





new Ajax.Request('url',




method: 'post',


onSuccess: function(transport) {


var rep = transport.responseText;











This is Prototype ajax request, easily understandable I hope. Now transport.responseText, and in effect also the rep variable, will usually contain something like this:





var chart_Column3D1 = new FusionCharts("Charts/FCF_Column3D.swf", "Column3D1", "600", "300", "0", "0", "","noScale","EN");


chart_Column3D1.setDataXML("<graph caption='Wielkosc sprzedazy' xAxisName='Miesiac' yAxisName='Jednostki' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0' ><set value='462' name='Sty' color='AFD8F8' /><set value='857' name='Lut' color='F6BD0F' /><set value='671' name='Mar' color='8BBA00' /><set value='494' name='Kwi' color='FF8E46' /><set value='761' name='Maj' color='008E8E' /><set value='960' name='Cze' color='D64646' /><set value='629' name='Lip' color='8E468E' /><set value='622' name='Sie' color='588526' /><set value='376' name='Wrz' color='B3AA00' /><set value='494' name='Paz' color='008ED6' /><set value='761' name='Lis' color='9D080D' /><set value='960' name='Gru' color='A186BE' /></graph>");







This is something Fusion Charts' php class could generate. This is passed to eval(), with hopes that it will be executed and render a chart. However, this only happens in Firefox 3.x and Google Chrome (didn't test under Opera, not needed). It doesn't work in IE7 or IE8 - Fusion Charts just shows "Loading Data" for a brief moment, then goes "Error in Loading Data".




Am I doing something wrong there?




// btw, the same thing happens when running Fusion's functions locally (when only XML is provided by AJAX) and when using DataURL method to point to external file (which is not really an option in my setup anyway, but I checked it as a last resort).

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