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MultiAxisLine Chart Axes and Checkboxes

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Hi,  I am planning on building a chart with several series that would all have the same axes but I would like the user to be able to turn each series on and off separately via a checkbox.  When using PowerCharts MultiAxisLine, I notice each checkbox is tied to each Y-axis by default.  Is there a way to hide all but one Y-axis but not the checkboxes for multiple series?  If not, is there a simple example of using forms to accomplish the same thing?  I was confused by the Javascript example as far as relating all this to line charts.

I would appreciate your help.

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Welcome to the forum! :)




For more detail on how to use JavaScript with FusionCharts to update data without a page refresh, please read the documentation on the topic.




Could you please visit the following page and see the section named 'FusionCharts and JavaScript'?




Hope this helps.

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