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Guest Rajroop

MS 3D column chart - specify which bars to animate and only animate dynamically changed values

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We want only the dynamically changing information to animate once the chart is drawn. It looks like a mistake and is hard to visually identify how much a value changed when the whole chart animates at once. For our chart, we are having to remove the animation since this is not supported - which is a shame, because the animation is cool.




We also wanted the chart, when initially drawn, to animate some columns separately (for example, "2008" animates, "2009ytd" animates, "2010 projected" animates, etc.). This also is not supported.




Please create these features soon, they would have made our charts so much better.




Thank you,



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Guest Rajroop

Hello Deborah ;),




Thank you so much for your suggestions. They are indeed very valuable to us.




We've made a note of this. ;)

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