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2 Y-axis, different colored labels

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Hi all --




I have a line chart with two Y-axis and I'd like the Y-axis colors (title and labels) to match the color of the line.


Any clue how to do that?







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Guest Rajroop

Hello Maria,




The Y-axis labels and titles can have the same color as the line. :)




The color of the Y-axis values can be set using Styles. The yAxisName attribute has a 'font' element to it. This element may be used to change the color of the title, to match that of the line.






The same method may be applied for the Y-axis labels.




Please refer to the documentation page of FusionCharts of v3 Styles, given by the following link:
 and click on FusionCharts v3 STYLES header on the left hand menu panel.




I hope this helps. :)

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Thanks, I hadn't played with Styles before.




A clarification question, the MSCombiDY2D has an 'YAXISNAME' object, but does not seem to have PYAxisName and SYAxisName. Since my chart has a left and a right y-axis, I'd like to make them different colors.




Thanks a lot!

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Guest Rajroop

Hello Maria,




As you have correctly observed, setting different colors of the two axis for a Dual axis chart is not possible as of now. :)




The feature will be incorporated in the next release of FusionCharts. :)

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Guest Rajroop

Hello Maria,




Kindly allow me to reiterate on this topic. :)




The release of FusionCharts v4 is tentatively slated for Q1 2010.

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now we have Q3/2011...

Is this possible in the current FusionCharts version?


"2 Y-axis, different colored labels" ?

Thx for your answer!







  On 9/24/2009 at 7:34 AM, Rajroop said:

Hello Maria,




Kindly allow me to reiterate on this topic. :)




The release of FusionCharts v4 is tentatively slated for Q1 2010.

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Guest Angshu



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


I am afraid, this is not possible, as of now.


We will get back to you once there is any news from our end.


Thank you very much for your continued patience and patronage.


Hope you have a great day!


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