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FC for VB: how to change the size of a chart

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Hi All,




I am playing around with Fusioncharts for VBA. I am having the problem of changing the sizes of charts. Here is what happening:




1) I am adding a chart to a userform and changing its height and width


2) open a userform


3) the chart placeholders always changes to a default 180 x 240


4) I change the size of a chart on the userform, start the form --> it again changes back.


5) if I open the userform in the Design mode, it shows the default size 180 x 240




I have managed to force the size by defining all charts' sizes upon loading the form, i.e.




MyForm.FusionCharts1.Width = 300


MyForm.FusionCharts1.Height = 230




But it is very annoying that I cannot save any properties of the Fusion Chart object.




Is it a bug?









Edited by Guest

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