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Help with accent pt-Br

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Hi Rodrigo,

To insert the accent characters you would need to first add BOM characters to the file after that need to encode your string with utf8_encode() function.
Please see the following code for an example:
 $fp = fopen("relatorios/DataXMLFusion.xml" , "w");
 $fw = fwrite($fp, "xEFxBBxBF");

 $fw = fwrite($fp,utf8_encode($xml)); 

Hope this helps.

Edited by Guest

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Thank you so much! You saved my life heheheheheheheheheh. Actually your tip it was a little bit wrong. I've changed and it works. If someone have the same trouble it is just add at the beginning of the code:


$xml = "xEFxBBxBF";


And in script that generate the file:


$fw = fwrite($fp,utf8_decode($xml));




It's to decode the string to print on the screen, but I have to thank Mr. Rahul Kumar for help me to see my error. Thanks again!




Rodrigo Nascimento

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