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X and Y Values are one off

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I'm evaluating the DW Developer extension using a CF/MS SQL model. I thought I'd start by doing a simple monthly sales report.  My query has two fields - Month & Gross Sales.  When I dump this query for raw data it's perfect.

The graph that the DW extension has generated is lovely with one exception:  The X and Y values are right but mismatched.  For example, the months on my chart are 8,1,2,3,4,5,6 instead of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.  The values for the months are in the right order, however.  So, the first column has January's total with an August label, and so on.

Again, my query is not the problem, as it outputs perfectly.

What have I done wrong?

Edited by Guest

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Guest Rajroop





Welcome to the FusionCharts Forum. :(




Could you please consider the following solution and let me know whether this suits your requirements?




FusionCharts for Dreamweaver offers an automatic query generation wizard to help you create charts based on data acquired from a database. To use this wizard you only need to connect your database to the page where you want to insert the chart.




After establishing the database connection follow these steps::




1.Since you want a simple sales chart launch the interface by clicking on

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Thank you for the quick reply.

Unfortunately, it seems that the option you are describing is only available for those using PHP/My SQL.

I have created another sample that is having the same problem.  You're welcome to inspect.

Note the value pairs in the SQL data dump above the chart and see that they do not correspond to the chart output.  The title Instructional needs to be second the last and the rest of the titles along the x-axis need to shift left by one.

This problem is not helped when I tell the chart to sort by column or series.

It makes no sense, really.

I am ready to purchase as soon as I know there is resolution to this problem.  Thank you!

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Guest Rajroop





We are currently looking into this problem.




Thank you for your patience. :(

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This is very excellent and I appreciate your looking into this.  We do not hesitate and even look forward to buying products from a company that supports its customers and grows its products.

We will purchase this in the next 2 weeks when this comes back around on the schedule.  (I have had to halt development waiting for this reply, and am currently focusing on other things).

Blessings to you.


Edited by Guest

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Guest Rajroop


Thank you for your kind words. This is our encouragement towards serving you better. :(

I hope the delay in the reply wasn't of too much inconvinience to you or your developement cycle.

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Hi again,

There seems to be a problem with the link for the fix.  I've tried clicking on in in FF and IE, also right clicking to "Save Target As."  Every time I just get taken to the homepage.  Can you check the attachment?  I really need it!

Thank you so much.


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Guest Rajroop

Hi again,




It's good to hear from you. :(




I have attached the Fix to this post for you.




Could you please make sure that you are logged on to this Forum, when trying to save the attachment? You will not be able to retrieve the attachment and will be 'taken to the homepage ', if you are not logged on using your Forum Id and password.




I hope this helps. Kindly share your progress on this with us, on this Forum. :(

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