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Displaying newly calculated data (not from database) on FusionCharts???

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i successfully used fusioncharts to generate data from my table in MySQL....




now i wish to do the same to one of my php pages... which can calculate which item/drug is A class, B class and C class (based on demand and sales, A are the highest demand drugs)....


however i dont save the result in my database... its just for viewing purposes...




so what i want to do is... to generate a chart based on this table, for example drug name and what is the percentage of demand.... i attached a printscreen of my table below...








thanks in advance...

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Guest Rajroop


Welcome to the FusionCharts Forum. :)

I have attached a sample XML based on your requirements. The recommened charts to apply this XML to are the line chart and pie chart. Please check and comment whether this suits your requirements?

To incorporate this in PHP, could you please go over the following links:


I hope this helps. :D


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