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Cache problem while fetching data in AngularGauge

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I have the following code file;

1) Home.aspx.cs 

if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath("FusionWidgetsMyFirstChartData Chart.xml")))

File.Delete(Server.MapPath("FusionWidgetsMyFirstChartData Chart.xml"));


//Writing XML

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

XMLStr = "";

XMLStr = XMLStr + "<chart lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='100' lowerLimitDisplay='Bad' upperLimitDisplay='Good' gaugeStartAngle='180' gaugeEndAngle='0' palette='1' numberSuffix='%' tickValueDistance='20' showValue='1'>";

XMLStr = XMLStr + "<colorRange>";

XMLStr = XMLStr + "<color minValue='0' maxValue='75' code='FF654F'/>";

XMLStr = XMLStr + "<color minValue='75' maxValue='90' code='F6BD0F'/>";

XMLStr = XMLStr + "<color minValue='90' maxValue='100' code='8BBA00'/>";

XMLStr = XMLStr + "</colorRange>";

XMLStr = XMLStr + "<dials>";

XMLStr = XMLStr + "<dial value='" + Convert.ToString(((SiteReady * 100) / NoSchools)) + "' rearExtension='10'/>";

XMLStr = XMLStr + "</dials>";

XMLStr = XMLStr + "</chart>";


doc.Save(Server.MapPath("FusionWidgetsMyFirstChartData Chart.xml"));


AngularGaugeURL = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;

AngularGaugeURL = AngularGaugeURL.Replace("home.aspx", "");

AngularGaugeURL = AngularGaugeURL + "FusionWidgets/MyFirstChart/MyFirstChart.html";

2) Home.aspx

<iframe frameborder=0 style="background-color:Bisque" height="300" width="100%" src="<%=AngularGaugeURL%>"></iframe>

3) MyFirstChart.html



  <title>My first chart using FusionWidgets</title>

  <script language="JavaScript" src="../Charts/FusionCharts.js"></script>


<body bgcolor="#ffffff">

  <div id="chartdiv" align="center">

The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart.


  <script type="text/javascript">

var myChart = new FusionCharts("../Charts/AngularGauge.swf", "myChartId", "400", "200", "0", "0");

myChart.setDataURL("Data Chart.xml?NoCache=.microtime()");







4) Data Chart.xml

<chart lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" lowerLimitDisplay="Bad" upperLimitDisplay="Good" gaugeStartAngle="180" gaugeEndAngle="0" palette="1" numberSuffix="%" tickValueDistance="20" showValue="1">


  <color minValue="0" maxValue="75" code="FF654F" />

  <color minValue="75" maxValue="90" code="F6BD0F" />

  <color minValue="90" maxValue="100" code="8BBA00" />



  <dial value="74" rearExtension="10" />



Data Chart.XML is generated on runtime from Home.aspx.cs page. Now the problem is that, Data Chart.XML changes the data in it but it is not reflecting on Home.aspx. This is cache problem. Can any one tell me where should I place cache clear code? and what is the actual code to resolve this cache problem?

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Guest Rajroop


I am afraid, your code :

"Data Chart.xml?NoCache=.microtime()"

seems to be using something that is taken from PHP samples.

Please use DateTime class of ASP.NET to pass timestamp to the noCache querystring.

Make sure to call a DateTime a function that returns something like time passed since midnight in miliseconds etc. Please avoid using timestamps that has a : in it.

I hope this helps. :)

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