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Fusioncharts v3 Client-Side and Batch export broken in IE8

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I implemented my charts the exact same way as you have in your examples here:

I noticed that in Firefox or Chrome, it works fine, on both my end and on your end. In IE8, the export "save" does not work on both my end and on your end.

In IE8, you click the "export chart" button on the client export page or the "Export as XXX" button in the batch export section and the "capturing data" diaglog shows. After the data capture is complete, you have the option to click, "Save" on any individual chart or , "Save all charts as single file". In Firefox or chrome, both these buttons work. In IE8, nothing happens!

Is there a solution to this problem?

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Guest Rajroop


Could you please try using Flash Player version 10 for this and see if it helps?

Looking forward to your feedback on this. :(

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