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Display master page loader while Dynamically generated charts load

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I am using FC3 with php class and using javascript getDataUrl to dynamically create multiple charts on a single page.

My problem is that i am generating 20+ charts on the same page. Is there a way i can display some type of master page loading bar using js to be displayed untill all the charts are finished loading?

I know this might be independant of the FC. I assume a good option would be on page load show i alpha div with loading gif, then at the end of the page use js to hide the div.

Can someone provide me with an option that might be right/better?

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I added a absolute div to cover page while loading, then added js at the end of page to hide div when done....However this doesnt work as easily as i thought. Page loads, and hides div almost instantainiously, however charts are still loading.

Looks like i need some callback from the charts when finished loading??

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I decide to use the chart callback future to let me know when the last chart is finished so i can hide the "loading" div.

This works in IE, however i noticed if the last chart is off screen in FF or Safari, the callback is never sent because both those browsers do not execute any chart/javascript until it is visible on the screen.

Has anyone noticed charts not send a callback if off screen in FF or Safari, and how did you work around this?

Edited by Guest

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