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Guest Rajroop

Progressive Divisional Line & Grids

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Hello, Is it possible to set the divisional / gride lines to be progressively spaced based on a percentage or something similar?

The reason being is that my charts become way too long looking and I would like to collapse some other the similar data that each record my have. Please see sample images, before (default) and after (modified progressive "Revenue" spacing.

I know there is a AxisMinValue, but that is not what i am looking for.



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Guest Rajroop

Hey Steve,

Is it possible to set the divisional / gride lines to be progressively spaced based on a percentage or something similar?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is not possible using FusionCharts, as of now.


You could modify the height/width of the chart to make it seem less 'long looking'! It seems like by doing this, you would be able to get the display effect of the chart that you're looking for.

I hope this helps. :)

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