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Does anyone use Fusion Charts within a DotNetNuke (DNN) web portal?  I am having issues getting mine cinfigured.  I have posed a similar question on the DNN Forum.  My issue is that I can get a sample chart to run on my local machine, but when I upload it to the web portal it does not work.  I am usign VB.Net to build the chart and an "Open-Smart module" within DNN to hold the graph.  I have no issues with standard .ascx pages running in the "Open-Smart module" but Fusion Charts fail to load.

Just wondering if anyone has had the same issues?

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Hi, I'm using FusionCharts with DNN and I don't have any problems after instaling module on web server. First I developing module on local server, just like you.




Maybe you got something wrong with paths? To generate chart html I always using ModulePath property, for example:


var html = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML(ModulePath + "Utilities/FusionCharts/MSCombi3D.swf", "", xmlData.ToString(), objectID, width.ToString(), height.ToString(), false, true);




Leave your code here, I'll try to help you.




Kind regards,



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I am also using fusion charts with dot net nuke.

I am not able to produce a multilevel drill stacked chart. I am trying to populate all the required values using subqueries.

The html code below was pasted in the 'default item no query' box. The main stacked chart works if i comment from <linkeddata id='[jobid]-dd'> to </linkeddata> but otherwise displays nothing. Please let me know if it is even possible and if possible then how it is to be done. Need help immediately. Thanks.


Basically, one job has multiple issues under resolved or pending. By clicking on the column, I want to view the issues for employees under that particular job as a similar stacked chart.






<script type="text/javascript" src="/omni/FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></script>

<div id="chocobar10">Issue Status by job</div>


<script type="text/javascript">


var bar10 = new FusionCharts("/omni/FusionCharts/StackedColumn3D.swf",

"chocobarId10", "250", "250", "0", "1");


bar10.setDataXML("<chart caption='Issues Statistics by job' showValues='1' xAxisName='Issue Status' yAxisName='Issues'>" +






"{SUBQUERY,Name=\"Getseverity\",Query=\"exec sp_jobwise_issues\",

Format=\" <category label='[jobdescription]'/>\",UseCache=\"False\"}"+




"<dataset seriesName='Issues Resolved/Closed'>"+

"{SUBQUERY,Name=\"Getseverity\",Query=\"exec omni_sp_jobwise_issues\",

Format=\" <set value='[closed]' link='newchart-xml-[jobid]-dd'/>\",UseCache=\"False\"}"+



"<dataset seriesName='Issues Pending'>"+

"{SUBQUERY,Name=\"Getseverity\",Query=\"exec sp_jobwise_issues\",

Format=\" <set value='[pending]' link='newchart-xml-[jobid]-dd'/>\",UseCache=\"False\"}"+




"{SUBQUERY,Name=\"dri\",Query=\"exec omni_sp_jobwise_issues\",


Format=\"\"<linkeddata id='[jobid]-dd'>\"+

\"<chart caption='Issues per team member' subcaption='Team Members' xAxisName='Team Member' yAxisName='Issues'>\"+


\"\{SUBQUERY\,Name=\"getCustomerscat\"\,Query=\"exec sp_employeewise_issues @job=[jobid]\"\,


Format=\"\"<category label='[name]'/>\"+\"\,




\"\{SUBQUERY\,Name=\"getCustomersclosed\"\,Query=\"exec sp_employeewise_issues @job=[jobid]\"\,

Header=\"\"<dataset seriesName='Issues Resolved/Closed'>\"+\"\,

Format=\"\"<set value='[closed1]'/>\"+\"\,




\"\{SUBQUERY\,Name=\"getCustomerspending\"\,Query=\"exec sp_employeewise_issues @job=[jobid]\"\,

Header=\"\"<dataset seriesName='Issues pending'>\"+\"\,

Format=\"\"<set value='[pending1]'/>\"+\"\,
















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