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Cant save chart as jpg or pdf

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Just trying out version 3.1 of fusion charts and cannot get it to save a chart to my server as PDF or JPG (I can do this on the samples at fusioncharts and on some of the other threads regarding this so assume my client is up to date) I am using the SaveExample.html in the download and when I click in the menu to save as JPG I get (After a delay) "The chart with DOM Id myChartid could not be saved on server. There was an error. Description : undefined"




I am Running the sample html at the data is in the same place.




Just found out from my ISP that Gzip is not enabled, will this affect both JPG's and PDFs' or just the PDF's




Any help would be great

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Guest Madhumita





Welcome to the FusionCharts Forum. :D




Please check if the path specified in the FCExporter is correct or not and if it is writable or not.




In case you require further assistance, you could attach your FCExporter and we could look into it to find out the issue.




Our export handler in PHP needs GD and GZip installed on your server. Could you please make sure that you've these dependencies installed properly?




Awaiting your reply.

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If it needs both GD and Gzip to run then that would explain it, my ISP says that Gzip is not enabled.




I dont actually want to use the PDF functionality (Which is what I thought Gzip gave you) I just want to save the charts to JPG with the click of a button so I can then use PDFLib to import them and other bits into a report, I assume that this is not possible as the exporter wont run without Gzip?

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