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Chart data source label

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Hello friends,




I'm trying to a add a label to a chart showing the source of the data that the chart is showing.




Can somebody show me how?




Or how can I change the position of the caption or sub-caption.






Tks a bunch



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Guest Madhumita


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum.:D

I'm afraid that the position of the caption and sub-caption is always centre-aligned.

However , as a workaround you can add spaces before or after the caption to make it right or left-aligned.


You can add the label needed in the caption itself and use spaces or line-break character to separate it from the original caption.

Hope this helps.:D

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I apologize for not making myself clear.




My goal is to put a label at the bottom of the chart with the information of the source for the data,


so it appears when I export the chart.







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Guest Basundhara Ghosal





This can easily be done if you can track the FC_Renderd event to unhide a Div in HTML which will contain the information that you want at the bottom of the chart.




Hope this helps.:D

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