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formatNumberScale on Y-axis values, but not on toolText values - possible?

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Hello, I'm looking for a way to have the Y-axis formatted, so that thousands are rounded and listed in K (basic formatNumberScale).  However, I would like the toolText data to display the actual value, not the rounded value.

As you can see from the attachment, it is not practical to showValue for each data point, as this clutters the chart.  So I'm thinking it may be best not to show the values.  (Unless someone has a way to show all of the values and still have a good looking chart?)

That leaves me with having the user look at what is in the toolText.  Does anyone know a way to have the chart format the values on the Y-axis, but show the unrounded values in the toolText?  I realize that the toolText data can be overwritten, but would prefer to have the chart simply not round the toolText value.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  Thanks - I appreciate it!


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Guest Basundhara Ghosal





It is possible to show the unrounded value in the tooltext.




Could you please try doing the following steps:-




1) <chart...showTooltip='0'>




2) <labels=..., toolText='6,825'>












Hope this helps.:)

Edited by Guest

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I realize that the toolText data can be overwritten, but would prefer to have the chart simply not round the toolText value.

Is there a way to have the Y-axis rounded, but the value in the toolText unrounded?

I prefer not to override (hard-code) the toolText value.

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Guest Madhumita


I'm afraid that FusionCharts does not support the feature to have the Y-axis rounded along with the value in the toolText unrounded. :)

You have to manually override the toolText.

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