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white vertical lines are seen on the graph

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I am using the MSStackedColumnline graph. Even I set plotspacepercent = 0 and showborder =0, I see some white lines between columns. that too those are not consistent I mean not shown at each x label,  some labels it is skipping. Attached the snap shot. Dependign on size some times it is decreasing. But we cant alter the size of the graph. It is constant.

could you please suggest what can we do to not show the lines.

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Guest Madhumita


Can you please attach your XML? It will be easier for us to analyse the issue then.

Awaiting your reply. :)

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Guest Madhumita


Thank you for your XML.

We could not replicate the issue of the white lines displayed between the columns. However, you can try to set showPlotBorder='0' in the <chart> element and see if this works.

Please consider upgrading your FusionCharts Version from the following link: , if you have not done that already.

Edited by Guest

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Thankyou for the reply. But I see this lines when I use Lineseries with the stacked columns.

I have another question regarding the same graph. When I use columns instread of stacked columns, can I overlap them in 2D?

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Guest Madhumita


I'm afraid, it is not  possible to overlap the columns, as of now. :)

Edited by Guest

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Guest Rajroop





I am afraid, the XML that you have sent does not conform to the image that you have attached.




You can not use an individual <dataset> element with set elements in this chart.




You need to use nested DATASET elements for stacked columns and for line you need to use LINESET element.




To debug, we have changed the first DATASET element's name to LINESET and we came close to the image that you have sent.




But the whitelines could not be replicated in our labs using the XML that you have provided.




Of course, when we set plotSpacePercent to some other minimum values like 5 or 10 we get white lines in the chart.




So, please make sure you do not have duplicate plotSpacePercent attribute (which is getting applied) in the XML that you are using.




Also please consider upgrading your FusionCharts Version from the following link: , if you have not done that already.

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