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Guest Madhumita

Tooltip showing only on certains points of MSLine chart

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Hi there,




The thing is that I have included a MSLine chart on a particular page of a web site and in every serie there are points corresponding the x-axis labels. A problem for me is that configured tooltip for each point of each serie only shows exactly on that points, no tooltip along the rest of series. For me that's a problem. I would prefer tooltip showing continuosly at every pixel of each serie, referring to previous point of the serie. Is this possible?




Thanks very much in advance. Looking forward to read your answer.













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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Could you please send us the XML code that you are using as an attachment.

Waiting for your reply.:)

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Guest Madhumita

Hello ,




We tried to implement what you'd asked for, but no matter what we tried we could not come up with a work around to achieve this.




I'm afraid the tooltip will only show values for the dataplots specified in the XML and not any of the points in between two data points. :)




However, we have made a note of your suggestion. Thank you for asking more out of FusionCharts. It is with your help we can strive to make our product a better one.




Happy FusionCharting. :)

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