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Animation performance issues with licensed version installed.

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Hello folks.

After installed demo of V3 and being able to see performance of FusionCharts I finally got me a licenced version. The strange thing is with the 'rotation' function in Pie3D, Doughnut3D, Doughnut2D.

When I changed out the demofiles to the licensed downloaded ones, I suddenly had an performanceissue with just the 'rotation' function.

I've made 2 exactly the same webstructures, one with demo V3 and the other with licensed.

The licensed is not smooth in the animation (rotate) , but the demo V3 works like a charm.

I hope anyone can help me with this one, since I want to show of all neat features.

/Regards Emanuel

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Could you please try the following steps:-

1)Right-click on the page where the chart has been rendered.

2)Click the 'Enable Rotation' option.

Hope this helps. ;)

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Ofcourse I have marked the "rotation" option, both in my "demo" and in my "licenced"

The thing is the licenced webpage is very slow in the animation. (And that is an exact copy of the "demo" one witch works fine.)

I have made 2 clean webfolders, my PHP-coded webpages inside and then only licensed resp demo in each. (The same code inside, only difference is FusionChartsV3.swf/FusionCharts.php/FusionCharts.js demo in one and FusionChartsV3.swf/FusionCharts.php/FusionCharts.js  licenced in the other.) Why the performance issue? Have I done something wrong?

I have the two pages up beside one and other, the one with "demo" V3 works fine (smooth movement in rotation), and the "licenced" one does not have a smooth movement in animation on rotation.

Slicing and going from 3D to 2D and back works the same in the two.

Please advice.


Edited by Guest

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Hi Emanuel,

We appologize for the inconvenience.

Could you please send us the generated XML codes for both the charts so that we might look into it?

Awaiting your reply. :hehe:

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Iv'e already been adviced by You via mail. (THANKS!!)

There was a prblem using the renderChart() so I now use renderChartHTML()


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