
Getting Export to Default to PDF.

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Let me start with saying that exporting to any format works great.




The only issue we are having, is we can't get PDF to show up as the first option. No matter what we do JPG always shows first. This doesn't sound huge, but we have some users that would say the system is broken if this doesn't show up how they want it.




Here is what we are using







If i change showAllowed to 0, it will save as a JPG everytime. I've tried changing PDF to lower case and mixed case, nether work.




Anyone else have similiar issue, or know how to fix this?





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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Welcome to FusionCharts forum. :)

Could you please try it using the following attribute in the chart element:-

<chart ... exportFormats='PDF=Export as PDF' ...>

Also, please have a look to the below link:-


Hope this helps.

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Guest Madhumita


You are most welcome.

Glad that we could help you.

Happy FusionCharting. :)

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