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I have 3 issues :

1)please tell me,how did modify follow's pic,because the show text is goog in chinese.




I want to define these number  myself ,How did modify it?



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Guest Madhumita


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. :D

1. If you wish to modify the y-axis name as in the picture please follow the steps below:

  1. set rotateYAxisName='0' in the <chart> element.

2. please write the y-axis name in the following manner: yAxisName='S a l e s' . 

 The is used for line-break.


2. If you wish define any numbers in the y-axis, you can choose to use trendlines.

  Please follow the steps below:

1. set showLimits='0' & rotateYAxisName='0' in the <chart> element.

2. define trendlines with staring values corresponding to the y-axis values.

 3. set alpha='0' in the <line> element.

4. use the displayValue attribute to define your own numbers.

Here is  an example XML for your reference :


<chart caption='Monthly Sales Summary' subcaption='For the year 2006' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='S a l e s' yAxisMinValue='15000'  numberPrefix='$' showValues='0' alternateHGridColor='FCB541' alternateHGridAlpha='20' divLineColor='FCB541' divLineAlpha='50' canvasBorderColor='666666' baseFontColor='666666' lineColor='FCB541' showYAxisValues='0' showLimits='0' rotateYAxisName='0' >

 <set label='Jan' value='17400' />

 <set label='Feb' value='19800' />

 <set label='Mar' value='21800' />

 <set label='Apr' value='23800' />

 <set label='May' value='29600' />

 <set label='Jun' value='27600' />

 <set label='Jul' value='31800' />

 <set label='Aug' value='39700' />

 <set label='Sep' value='37800' />

 <set label='Oct' value='21900' />

 <set label='Nov' value='32900' />

 <set label='Dec' value='39800' />

  <trendLines  >

 <line startValue='40000'  displayvalue='value 6' alpha='0'  />

<line startValue='35000'  displayvalue='value 5' alpha='0' />

<line startValue='30000'  displayvalue='value 4' alpha='0' />

<line startValue='25000'  displayvalue='value 3' alpha='0' />

<line startValue='20000'  displayvalue='value 2' alpha='0' />

<line startValue='15000'  displayvalue='value 1' alpha='0'/>




3. I'm afraid, the "Print Chart"  caption cannot be modified.


In case of further queries please revert. :)


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