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How to Order Data in Pie Charts

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I need to specify the order tyhat data is plotted on a pie chart - I have 4 labels 1. Label1 2. Label2 etc. I can control the start angle, how do I force the order that data is displayed? Using Pie2D.swf, coldfusion.


Thanks in advance.



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Guest Rajroop

Hey Rick,




Welcome! :)




The order of the datasets would depend on the order in which they are slated/specified in the XML.




In case this doesn't help, could you please post a snapshot of your desired output or send us a elaborate account of what exactly you are looking for in terms of the display of the datasets?




Looking forward to your reply/feedback on this. :P

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Here's my xml

<chart caption='Performance Improvement Framework' bgColor='FFFFFF' showShadow='1' captionPadding='0' showValues='0' animation ='0' showPercentageValues='0'><set label='1. Plan' value='#session.val1#' /><set label='2. Execute' value='#session.val2#' /><set label='3. Support' value='#session.val3#' /> <set label='4. Monitor' value='#session.val4#' /></chart>

and here's the output:


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Guest Madhumita


In order to specify the order in which the pie slices are to be placed please placethe set elements in that particular order.

Suppose, you want the labels to be ordered as Label 2, label 1, label 3, label 4 in anti-clockwise direction place the set elements in the follwing order:

<set label='2. Execute' value='7' />

<set label='1. Plan' value='6' />

<set label='3. Support' value='5' />

<set label='4. Monitor' value='7' /> 

Again, if you want to view the labels as label 1, label 2 , label 3, label 4 in clockwise direction place the <set> elements in the following manner:

<set label='4. Monitor' value='7' /> 

<set label='3. Support' value='5' />

<set label='2. Execute' value='7' />

<set label='1. Plan' value='6' />

I hope this helps you. If you need further help on this please specify the order in which you wish to place the values so that we can help you solve the early as possible.


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I did that! The xml above shows that I placed it in this order:

<set label='1. Plan' value='#session.val1#' />
<set label='2. Execute' value='#session.val2#' />
<set label='3. Support' value='#session.val3#' /> 
<set label='4. Monitor' value='#session.val4#' />

...but it didn't display that way.

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Guest Madhumita


Please do let us know if the solutin worked for you.

Till then, happy FusionCharting. :)

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Thanks for the above post, I am now ordering my pie slices in order.

However, how do I control the start angle of the first pie slice? In the below pie, I want scope7 (the largest slice) to appear with its left side at 0 degrees to the vertical (ie, at 12 0'clock). Can this be controlled?


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