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Alignment problems with a 2D Column chart

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Good day,




I wonder if anyone can help me with this problem I'm facing.




Attached is the xml data I'm using to populate my graphs. When using the 3D graph (StackedColumn3DLineDY), even looks fine.




When populating a 2D graph (MSCombiDY2D) with the same XML data, a couple things start going wrong.




The columns on the graph do not align with the X value labels. The "Previous" series are offset to the left; the "Current" is offset to the right and then "Forecast" is aligned correctly.




How would I go about fixing this alignment issue. Also is there anyway to specify a minimum width of the columns in the 2D mode. The columns are extremely thin and the chart doesn't quite look right.










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Guest Madhumita


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum . :D

In a multi-series chart the labels are center aligned with each group. This is a functionality of FusionCharts.

You have 3 sets per group. The label is displayed at the center of the group. Now, for one such group, you have a value for set1, but the other two sets are empty. The label aligns where the 2nd set was to appear. Hence, it does not seem to align with set1.

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