
better export feature

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Right now you need a "special" div with a flash and some JS code to export a chart to image, pdf, etc. I read the reason about the need of a "save" button and is correct, but it can be improved anyway.




When you use context menu to export (right click> export as png) the chart shadow and you can see a progress bar, when finish the progress bar get out and you can click the save button. Why? why just don't add an option like: "showSaveButton" so when progress bar finish the char is yet shaded with 2 buttons: "save" & "cancel"




This way you don't need a separate GUI,, or separate div, or even JS all is handled by the chart itself.




Is this possible?

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Guest Rajroop





Please allow me to explain this particular behavior while exporting an image using FusionCharts. FusionCharts is compiled in Macromedia Flash 8 whereas the FusionCharts Export Component is compiled in Flash 10(CS3) in order to get the advance feature(s) of exporting.




When we invoke the export feature of FusionCharts, after generating the bitmap data it sends that data to our export component which in-turn generates the actual image in the desired/specified format.




I hope I have been able to be clear on this issue. :P

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Guest Rajroop





We are currently working on FusionCharts v4 which would be compiled in Flash 10. It's approximate release date would be the mid of 2010.




Thanks for your patience in this matter. :hehe:

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Guest Madhumita


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum.

You can consider doing this in the following way:

1. Export the image server-side before the form has benn filled

2. On form submission fetch the image from the server and post in the page.

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I was find the way to do what I went, but I think that is work arround ... AND I DON'T LIKE IT.

I prefer pass so far of session, or other way to persiste data on the server to create view .....

My sugestion is to improve the API, and this isn't difficult, because the integration between Flash and HTML exists and the transformation of image in string exists too.


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Greetings Valdir Scarin,




Your suggestions are insightful as well as helpful.




As far what I see you do not require the export component at all. What can do is use the chart's native getImageData() function to retrieve chart's bitmap in RLE format. If you need more help on how to transform the bitmap, let us know.




With exporting a chart, we are presently surrounded by the following issues (some of which has already been made aware to you by Rajroop and Madhumita):




1. FusionCharts v3 is developed in ActionScript 2 and as such does not have any practically usable way to export FusionCharts.




2. We are working on FusionCharts v4 that is in AS3, but as you might have had understood that internal architecture of such an exhaustive project such as FusionCharts takes time. Furthermore, our internal codes have to be highly optimized, yet modular to have better performance for our our users and as well as to make the lives of our Enterprise/OEM users (who have the source code) a little less difficult!




3. The exporting is done using a separate SWF (developed in AS3) and as such AS3 movies cannot be effectively included within a AS2 movie to meet our requirements.




4. We mandatorily need a button on our Export Component SWF because of Flash's security reasons. Flash will not allow you to display the "Save As" dialog box unless a user interaction is directly done on the SWF that is firing the "Save As" dialog box.

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Really Good !!!! This is what I need, Thanks.

I searched something about this method in fusionChart docs, but didn't have anything.

When I call this method appears load bar, but How can I take the generated data ?

so thanks

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The method sends data in RLE encoded bitmap format.




This method is not in our docs because it is a deprecated function. Later releases of FusionCharts will not support this. We recommend not to use it for any deployment purpose.




You can also look into our documented Export Component's JS file to see how FusionCharts send data to the Export Component swf (via JS). You can intercept this data by overriding FusionChart Export Component's JS file's functions.




Doing so would be easy as the FusionChartsExportComponent.js has a well documented version available within the download pack.




However, these suggestions are not part of our public API hence, we cannot guarantee support. However, this is a software world where anything is possible... so feel free to experiment. :P




If you need any further assistance towards this, let me know.

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