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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Questions about stacked area chart

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Hello ALL

I want to use the stacked area chart in my app. I wonder if those areas in the graph are clickable. I want to associate HTML pages with those areas. When clicking on the areas some more info can be shown.

 In addition, could anyone provide an exmaple to show the data format/structure (i think it would be a XML format, but I do not know the structure) for the chart.

I saw the following code,it shows that the data is from DataProviders/RealTimeStArea1.asp"

- <chart caption="Server Load" bgColor="000000" bgAlpha="100" canvasBorderThickness="1" canvasBorderColor="008040" canvasBgColor="000000" yAxisMaxValue="100" decimals="0" numdivlines="9" numVDivLines="28" numDisplaySets="30" divLineColor="008040" vDivLineColor="008040" divLineAlpha="100" chartLeftMargin="10" baseFontColor="00dd00" showRealTimeValue="0" dataStreamURL="DataProviders/RealTimeStArea1.asp" refreshInterval="2" numberSuffix="%" labelDisplay="rotate" slantLabels="1" toolTipBgColor="000000" toolTipBorderColor="008040" baseFontSize="11" showAlternateHGridColor="0" legendBgColor="000000" legendBorderColor="008040" legendPadding="55" showLabels="1" plotGradientColor="">
  <categories />
  <dataset color="009900" seriesName="Client A" showValues="0" alpha="100" anchorAlpha="0" lineThickness="2" />
  <dataset color="ffff00" seriesName="Client B" showValues="0" alpha="100" anchorAlpha="0" lineThickness="2" />
  <dataset color="0099cc" seriesName="Client C" showValues="0" alpha="100" anchorAlpha="0" lineThickness="2" />
- <styles>
- <definition>
  <style type="font" name="captionFont" size="14" />
- <application>
  <apply toObject="Caption" styles="captionFont" />
  <apply toObject="Realtimevalue" styles="captionFont" />


Edited by Guest

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Basundhara Ghosal (12/14/2009)

1) Could you please try using the Drill-Down method on the required dataplots?



I found that stacked area chart is under FusionWidget package, and from the link shown above, I saw "FusionCharts can be easily and extensively used to create drill-down charts. All the charts in FusionCharts v3 suite support drill down for data elements....".

I wonder if this implies that  Drill_down function is not supported  by "Stacked Area Chart" which is under FusionWidget insead of under FusionChart.

Edited by Guest

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Guest Madhumita


The stacked area charts in FusionWidgets is a real-time chart. It has all the capbilities of FusionCharts along with real-time capabilites.


Please refer to the link below if you wish to use real-time stacked area chart:

You can get the example XML from this link.

The stacked area chart is also present in FusionCharts . However, it does not have real-time capabilities.

If you wish to use that please refer to forum topic link below:

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