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Guest Madhumita

Multi Legends in StackedColumn3DLineDY.swf

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This is regarding Stacked Column 3D Line Dual Y Combination Chart. I am using stacked columns to display a break down of a product and using lines to display properties of a product. When the chart is rendered, it is creating a single legend for both series names for the stacked columns and series names for the lines.




Is it possible if I can create two legends each describing columns and lines?







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Guest Madhumita

Hello Deepak,

Legends are always created for all the datasets.

Could you please attach your XML so that we can solve the issue as soon as possible?

Awaiting your reply.

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Thanks for quick reply.




I am attaching both chart XML and generated chart screen print. As you can see I have two axis, one for Hits and other for SLA compliance.




Hits column is mapped to the consumers for a product while the SLA compliance lines are mapped to SLA properties of a product.




The chart creates a single legend for both Column service names and Lines service names and it makes everything confusing.




Is it possible if we can have two legends, one for Column mapping (i.e. cpruserprod_ext.gen and Ata) and other for lines mapping(i.e. Max Hits SLA, Response Time SLA and Availability SLA). I think it would be awesome if you can provide two legends for all Dual Axis charts.









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Guest Madhumita


I'm afraid, as of now, only a single legend box is created in all the charts(except the single series ones).

Your suggestions are very important to us. We have made a note of the same.

As an alternative, you can show the legends in two different lines in the same legend box.


See image below:


All you have to do is add a line-break character ( ) after the seriesName of the last dataset for column.

e.g. in your XML if you only use the code below you will get the above output:

  <dataset seriesName="AtA "> (which is the last column dataset)

Hope this helps.

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