
Client side export as image not working

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FusionCharts is a very recent purchase, but I have to say I am very impressed. The one thing I cannot get to work though is allowing clients to save images. The chart loads, I get the right-click menu to save it as a jpg, the file seems to be processing, but the "wait" button never changes so no "Save As" option. Here's what it says in debug mode:


Export Capture Process Start: The chart has started capturing bitmap data for export.


Export Trasmit Data Start: The chart has finished capture stage of bitmap export and is now initiating transfer of data to JS function 'FC_ExportDataReady'.


I am at v. 3.1.1 of FC and v. 10 for Flash.


Here are the parameters in my .xml file:


exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='1' exportHandler='fcExporter1' exportFormats='JPG=Export as JPEG|PDF=Export as PDF|PNG=Export as PNG'




I'm running this locally for now, but I've also posted the files to an external website and it still won't let me save an image.







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I should have mentioned it, but yes, I did find that and change my settings. I still can't get it to work, but I'm pretty sure it's something simple. Once again, here's what the debug says:




Export Capture Process Start: The chart has started capturing bitmap data for export.


Export Trasmit Data Start: The chart has finished capture stage of bitmap export and is now initiating transfer of data to JS function 'FC_ExportDataReady'.

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Merry Christmas Neal.

In the xml that you have attached, there is no space between two attributes:


Please verify whether this is causing the problem. Give a space between the two attributes.

Hope this helps! :)


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I appreciate your help. I made the requested changes as well as putting spaces between other attributes that did not have a space. The export function still does not work. As before, here's the debug message:




Export Capture Process Start: The chart has started capturing bitmap data for export.


Export Trasmit Data Start: The chart has finished capture stage of bitmap export and is now initiating transfer of data to JS function 'FC_ExportDataReady'.

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That is correct. It reports that the capture is 100%, but that then closes and no "Save As" menu comes up. The "Waiting" box below the graph remains grayed out and is not responsive.



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Guest Rajroop

Hi Neal,




I really appreciate your patience on this issue.




Could you please try replacing the following line of code in your HTML code:




var myChart = new FusionCharts("Bubble.swf", "FusionCharts_1", "600", "500", "0", "0");




to the following one:




var myChart = new FusionCharts("Bubble.swf", "FusionCharts_1", "600", "500", "0", "1");




To register the chart with JavaScript, we set the registerWithJS parameter to 1. It's the last parameter in FusionCharts constructor function, as shown above.




I'm confident that on making this change you would not be facing any more issue(s) regarding the export process. :D




Hope this helps. :)

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