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What are the attributes allowed in dataset element?

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I have gone through the v3 docs.

I learnt that the <dataset> element most commonly can have the following attributes:

  1. seriesName
  2. color
  3. alpha
  4. ratio
  5. showValues
  6. dashed
  7. includeInLegend

And then, there are the line attributes and the anchor attributes ( like, anchor sides, anchor radius ).

Now my question is - is it possible to specify numberPrefix for a particular dataset?

I have two datasets, one for amount and another for count. I want to show the prefix $ for the amount dataset. Is this possible?


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Guest Madhumita


I'm afraid, for multi-series charts this is not possible.

In case you are using Dual Y axis charts you can use the pNumberSuffix and sNumberSuffix in the <chart> element.

Edited by Guest

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